If you want your data to be deleted from our servers please consent and email us your name and email address below and we will check if we still have your data in our servers and delete it immediately and if there is no data regarding the name and email address provided we will inform you that you’re good to go.

Types of Data We Store, Use Or Share:

We store or use only data that is required for app functionality mainly Advertising. We do not store or require your data for anything else. We must required these data types so that our app ads can function. We use Google Admob For Advertising and do not store any user data ourselves. If we do so we will make it clear on our Privacy Policy page. The Types of data we mainly use are:

Device ID

SDKs We Are Using In Our Apps That Require Data:

Google AdMob
Unity Ads

We only use Google Admob And Unity Ads that requires above data types or more. We do not use any other third party SDKs that are not trustworthy and never put our users in danger.

For How Much Time My Data is Stored?

We do not store any data of our users for more than 1 week. Our servers reset every 24 hours that wipes out every data to maintain the privacy of our users. If it’s been 24 hours we ensure you that your data is deleted and we do not have anything related to it neither we do not store it. Butif you still want us to give it another check please contact us directly through Email or Phone number/WhatsApp or use the data deletion request form below :

Developer Official Email : emankhaan66@gmail.com
Phone No/ WhatsApp : +923316011900

Data Deletion Request Form

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